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Damaged Hearts Page 7
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Page 7
“You do know that people do this sort of thing in the daytime too don’t you?” He asked incredulously.
Her eyes got wide as she shook her head to the negative. He bent his head and took her lips again, kissing her deeply. “Let’s move to the bedroom so Matt and Angel don’t find a surprise in the morning. I promise, I’ll keep you so distracted that you won’t think about it again until then.”
He banked the fire giving her the opportunity to cover up slightly before turning to grab her hand and lead her in the direction he assumed her bedroom was in, letting her take the lead halfway down the hallway. She opened a closed door leading him into a clean, plain, almost masculine room. There was no lacy bedding or curtains in here, just a thick quilt across the bed and calico curtains at the window. The dresser was bare of the usual feminine frippery with only a plain white serviceable dish and water pitcher to bathe.
He stripped off his previously neglected clothing and helped her out of the shirt that she had put back on before moving them towards the bed anxious to be inside her again, not having near enough the first time. Sensing that she was still somewhat shy and uneasy, he bypassed the lamp just opening the curtains enough that a small beam of moonlight showed their silhouettes.
Pulling her into his arms, he whispered “I love you” as he flipped back the bedding easing her down on the cool sheets. “Marry me Kaitlyn; if you want, we can give this place to Matt and Angel for their wedding present so that it will still be in your family. Then, we’ll move the stock around so that you have yours and Matt has his.
“You make it sound so easy.” Her eyes teared up. “I built this ranch from the ground up but you want me to just walk away from all of it. You want me to give up everything I worked so hard for and exchange it for everything you have. I don’t know if I can do it Rick and I don’t know that Morgan will accept me even if I do walk away from all this.”
“Listen to me hun, Ali loves you already and I know Morgan will too once she realizes what a wonderful person you are.” Rick said. “As far as leaving everything you worked for, you don’t have to look at it like that. You will be giving Angel and Matt a place to start their family together, a place that will be cared for and taken care of. All of the stock can be shuffled around depending on what you want to keep and what you want to share. In fact, it might make it easier on your breeding program if all the cattle are together.”
“What about James and Frank?” She asked referring to her newly hired hands. “I can’t just turn them out now that I’ve given them somewhere to live and something to do with their lives.”
“We can give them some options.” Rick answered thoughtfully. “With Matt leaving to start his life with Angel, I would have to hire someone to help with the stock anyway so if you and your stock move, it would make sense that the hands would too. Besides the house that Consuela lives in, I have bunkhouse on my property that would house the two men comfortably.”
“I think we should sleep on it and you can give me your answer after you have had more time to think.” He said not wanting to make her feel rushed. He pulled her close and flipped the covers over them before wrapping his arm around her and tugging her against his body. “I love you Kaitlyn and whether you want to marry me or not, you better get used to hearing that; it’s not going to change.”
With that, he kissed her on top of her head and fell into a deep sleep; leaving her to think on all that he had just said. She could agree that Ali was already close to her and would not argue that Angel and Matt needed somewhere to live, especially now that she knew about the baby.
Wonderingly, her hand moved down to her own stomach. What if what they did just a bit ago made a baby? Could she too even now be pregnant with her first and Rick’s third child? Now that she thought about it, she didn’t know if Rick wanted more children or not. He certainly hadn’t done anything to prevent them if he didn’t.
Sighing she decided that sleep was probably the best thing for her now and snuggled deeper into his arms thinking to herself that this being married thing might not be so bad after all. Closing her eyes, the last thing she remembered was his light kiss on the top of her head and his sleepily whispered “I love you Kaitlyn.”
He woke up the next morning with a smile on his face, until he realized she was gone. He climbed out of the bed and slipped his pants on leaving them unbuttoned and padded silently to the kitchen. There, he stood quietly in the doorway admiring the way the sunlight streaming through the window turned her honey blonde hair to copper. After realizing what she was doing up, he cleared his throat as not to startle her and entered the kitchen. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he bent down giving her a good morning kiss. “Good morning Sunshine.” He said, happily following her outside on the porch.
They sat together in comfortable silence watching the horses run in the pasture and some crows pecking at the ground before hop, skip, and jumping into flight. The coffee and companionship were good and Kat savored both as she sipped the creamy fragrant brew. Rick’s arm slid over her shoulders to gently tug her closer and rather than argue, she allowed the contact.
“I’ve come to a decision.” She offered, not knowing that Angel and Matt stood behind them in the doorway. “I want Angel and Matt to have somewhere to raise a family where they can both be comfortable. There is plenty of land and water available here and there is the barn and bunkhouse. The house is big enough for a family unless they have more than five children, and if that were to happen, some of them could share a room.”
“That’s all fine and dandy,” Angel announced, interrupting her sister.
“But what are you going to do for a home?” Matt finished.
Kat jumped. After collecting herself, she looked at Angel and announced, “We’re going to be twice sisters. I have decided to marry Rick and move into his home. I plan to take part of the stock and give you then rest as well this house for a wedding present.”
“When did you decide all this?” Matt asked devilishly. “Looks like big brother followed in my footsteps and got the cart before the horse.” He laughed looking at Rick’s unbuttoned pants.
“So, we can have a double wedding!” Angel exclaimed. “When do you think we can find a preacher?”
“I was going to head into town today for supplies.” Matt said. “I thought maybe Rick and I could get a list from James of what he needs if he’s going to cook for the bunkhouse; we can stop and talk to the preacher too. You girls may as well get a list together too so we can get everything in one trip.”
Rick kissed Kat as he got up and went inside to clean up, leaving her to talk to Angel. Matt headed out to the barn to get Warlock and Lucifer saddled up and ready to go. “What do you think Angel?” Kat asked. “Can I do this; can I give up everything on the hope of having a man that loves me and the possibility of having my own children? You know me, am I being crazy to hope for this?”
“Kat, listen to yourself.” Angel said. “You are gaining a man that loves you and the possibility of having children; does it really matter where you live so long as you are living?”
“You’re right.” Kat replied. “But I can’t help but be scared. I screw up everything I touch.”
“How can you say that? Look how I turned out. Look at the cattle and the horses. Look at the perfectly trained dogs we have and at how well our riding stock respond to the slightest pressure of a foot, leg or flick of the wrist. Kat, everything you touch turns to Golddust!” Angel exclaimed.
“Yeah, and now he wants me to leave Golddust Ranch behind and make my life at Dark Magic Ranch. It’s like turning my back on the light of my life.” Kat answered nervously.
“Or you can look at it like following the rainbow after the storm.” Angel added. “Finding love and being happy can’t be wrong Kat. It’s about time that it’s happened for you after so many years of sadness.”
“Oh Angel, I can’t believe this is happening.” Kat said crying. “Look at me, I never cry and I’m bawling my eye
s out. I am so nervous that I’ll screw everything up. Am I doing the right thing? Can I really do this and have it turn out good?”
“Take a deep breath and listen to me. Rick is one of the best things, if not THE best thing that has ever happened to you. Yes, you are very stubborn and independent, but he knows that and he still loves you.” Angel said. “Granted, I don’t think things will always be easy but nothing ever is Kat. I don’t think you should let this chance at happiness escape without at least having a sample. Plus if it doesn’t work out for you, the ranch and I will always be here to welcome you back with open arms.”
Kat sighed as she thought about what Angel had said; she did deserve a chance at happiness and this looked like her best possibility. Rick was not only handsome but he also seemed like someone she could share her dreams with. He already shared her love of ranching plus she laughed to herself, she’d get all of her cattle back in a roundabout sort of way.
“Well, what are we waiting for? We need to get our clothes for the wedding picked out!” She grabbed Angel’s hand and the two almost collided with Rick in their hurry to start down the hall.
“Whoa!” He hollered, grabbing Kat by the arms to keep her from falling. “What’s the rush? You two look like you’re late for dinner or something.”
“One thing you’ll learn about Kat, is that she never does anything halfway Rick. Now that she’s agreed to marry you, we have to get things ready so we will look perfect for our respective grooms.” Angel laughed as Kat continued to tug her down the hallway.
Rick shook his head laughing as he followed them to Kat’s room. “Ok, here’s what’s going on.” He started. “Matt and I are going to head into town to get supplies and to talk to the preacher. While we are there, I think we may go ahead and pay a visit to the sheriff too.”
Rick held up his hands to ward off Kat’s protest. “Let me finish Babe, then you can have your say. We need to file a report to keep the sheriff and George from knowing that we’re on to them. From there, we’re going to send out a few casually coded telegrams. Of course, we need to send out word of our upcoming nuptials but we also need to call in some reinforcements.”
Kat sighed. “Well, after hearing the whole thing I suppose I can’t argue with logic. Just don’t expect me to like it.”
“Just promise me you won’t leave this house while we’re gone Kaitlyn?” Rick entreated knowing the Kaitlyn would never break a promise. “I want to know that you’re safe.”
“Don’t do this to me Rick. You know we have to start checking the cattle and separating more of them for breeding. Also, I thought you were bringing Coal for a visit; these others are really going to need the bull soon if we hope to have calves next spring.” Kat argued.
“How about if I send Frank over to get Coal and keep James here for a little added protection? I still don’t feel good about leaving you here but I don’t really think a trip to town would be good for you either.”
“I guess that will have to work if that’s all you’ll give.” Kat said, avoiding the answer to the requested promise.
Rick bent down and gave Kat a lingering kiss before whispering “I know what you’re doing hun, I just hope I don’t regret letting you get away with it.” He turned and went outside meeting up with Matt. They both mounted and Kat and Angel stood side by side watching as their men rode off.
Marie sighed as she stretched and rang for her maid. Last night’s dinner was a wonderful success but so totally boring that she found herself wondering what life would be like if she actually had a purpose. Her only friend was Frances and like her, her sole purpose in life was to preen and smile and be beautiful. She hated being treated like a doll with no brain and no more usefulness then to set up on a shelf and be gazed at.
“Oh, I don’t care what I wear today Susan.” Marie grumbled in reply to her maid’s pleasantly asked inquiry. “I must go to Millie’s for a final fitting this morning and then I have the luncheon with the Mayor’s wife and Frances at one and a small dinner with father this evening.”
“My goodness Miss, you have quite a busy day planned.” Susan bustled around pulling clothing out and helping Marie to dress. “Will you be requiring Willie’s services today?”
“Oh gracious yes, I won’t have time to dally with the horse and to drive myself. Also, I think the carriage might be better than the buggy judging from that bank of clouds forming.” Marie replied.
“I’ll see to it right after I finish dressing your hair Miss.” Susan deferred.
Once Susan left to give instructions to Willie, Marie silently paced the floor waiting for her coach. “So what are you off and about to so early this morning?” Her father asked jolting her from her thoughts.
“Well hello Father, I was just telling Susan that I have the final fitting on my gown for the Spring Fling, then luncheon with Frances and her mother. Then, tonight I have just a small dinner with you unless you have invited people over that I should plan for.” Marie replied.
“No, no. nothing like that.” He smiled patting her hand. “I just thought you might enjoy a small shopping trip out of town. I have a business trip I must attend to in Denver and was hoping that you might wish to accompany me. We never seem to spend any time together anymore.”
“Oh Father!” She exclaimed. “I’d love to go to Denver with you. What kind of business are you taking care of this time?”
“Just business Marie, nothing so important that you need to worry your pretty little head over it. Why don’t you concentrate on packing and getting ready for the trip instead? We can leave in the morning if that gives you enough time to prepare tonight.” Her father said as he left the room and closed the door to his study.
Jumping up and down excitedly, Marie ran upstairs inadvertently leaving her gloves and reticule on her bed as she checked her appearance then ran back downstairs again. “Your carriage awaits out front Miss Marie.” Susan informed her when she reached the bottom.
Marie had just reached the door when a knock sounded. Knowing that Simmons was in the kitchen with cook, Marie opened it herself since she was heading out anyway. “My, my, my look how low we have stooped.” George said snidely from the other side. “What is the world coming to when the hired help doesn’t even answer the door for you?”
“Oh! How incredibly rude! Drat you, you unpleasant pig!” She said skirting around him and stomping off to the carriage.
“Take me to Millie’s, please Willie. I have a fitting and then I have a small amount of shopping that I hadn’t planned on.” She instructed as Willie helped her in and closed the door.
“Yes ma’am, right away ma’am” He nodded in reply before hopping into the seat and taking up the reins.
They were almost to Millie’s Place when Marie glanced down and realized that she had forgotten her gloves and handbag. “Willie, I really must apologize but I seem to have left my bag at home. Would you please turn the carriage and take me back to the house. I really am dreadfully sorry.”
Always cheerful, Willie replied. “Yes Ma’am, no problem at all.” He turned the coach and urged the horse back in the direction they had just come.
Upon arriving back at the house, Marie was so agitated with herself that she jumped down without waiting for Willie’s assistance and hurried towards the door telling Willie that she would be right back. She opened the door and headed up the stairs and towards her room where she remembered leaving her gloves and reticule on the bed. Noticing that the door to her father’s study was slightly ajar, she stopped momentarily upon hearing her name.
“I don’t want Marie to have any clue that there ever was a sister, George. The sooner you take care of Kat Carson, the better. I have arranged a trip to Denver and we are leaving first thing in the morning. I assume that three days is enough time to kidnap one slight female and get out of town with her.”
“Yeah Boss. I can get her out of town in that kind of time. Do I really have to take her down to Arizona to get rid of her though? You
did promise that I could have her once our plans came together.”
“That was before you messed everything up by killing Robert. Now, rather than keeping her until you’ve had your fill, you’ll have to enjoy her on your way to Sedona, collect the money, and leave her at Rancho Gato.” Henry ground out, clearly irritated at being questioned.
Knowing that she could not, under any circumstances get caught listening at key holes, Marie quickly and quietly ran back out the door and to the carriage. “Hurry Willie, you must take me to Kat Carson’s ranch immediately.” She announced after arranging her skirts. “This is an emergency and I don’t have time to explain everything as I don’t really know all of the details myself. I have to speak with Ms. Carson; her very life depends on it.”
“But Miss Marie, what about your fitting and your luncheon with Miss Frances. I know it’s not my place to question but won’t Miss Frances be worried if you don’t show up?” He asked thoughtfully.