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Damaged Hearts Page 6
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Page 6
“Two months later, that same man came to the house again. I came running out of the barn as he grabbed my mother by the hair. He took one look at me and laughed an evil laugh. He grabbed me, dragged me up onto the saddle in front of him, and told my mother he was selling his spawn. When she started to protest, he pulled out his pistol and shot her once in the head.” Kat began to cry taking large sobbing breaths. The more Rick tried to soothe her the harder she cried. Finally, she took another deep breath telling herself that she had to finish it.
“Rick, he took me to a ancient cabin that was half falling down and locked me in. Several hours later, he came back with George and told me that since I was his daughter he could do whatever he wanted to with me and he was giving me to George. He left and I lived in hell for ten long days. George can be extremely vicious and cruel I found. The morning of the eleventh day, I got hold of a lamp and knocked George unconscious with it. I ran as fast and as far as I could before collapsing at the base of a pine tree. Mark found me there and took me back to the house. He explained about Angel and how he couldn’t take care of her and told me that he and Charley we’re leaving on a cattle drive to try to bring in a little bit of money for all of us to live on.”
“I was thirteen at the time but old enough to know I couldn’t believe them. Sure enough, they never came back but last I knew they were living somewhere in Texas. I never touched a dime of their money because we didn’t need it anymore by the time they started sending it to me. I put it all away for Angel and now that she’s old enough, I’ll probably give it to her sometime soon.”
“Before the money came I did everything I could think of to keep us alive from scraping dishes to slopping hogs working for our keep on various ranches on the outskirts of town. I found this ranch and it was perfect. It was far enough from town that no one should bother us yet big enough to move plenty of cattle and horses. I built this place from nothing and so far, I have not had to see either George or the Sheriff.” She finished.
“My god Kaitlyn. No wonder you flinch when anyone touches you. That also explains why you went nuts back there in the canyon when I grabbed you. And to top it all off, it’s your own blood that is stealing from you. Wow, it’s a hell of a situation.” He exclaimed, threading his fingers through his hair in frustration. “The big question is how are we going to get rid of both of them for good?”
Rick savored the feel of her relaxed in his arms. Before he could tell her that none of it had anything to do with his ability to love her, she fell into a deep healing sleep. Rick continued to hold her and stroked her hair as she slept thinking all the while that she was going to make a terrific mother to both his girls and the children they would soon have. They would be a team and work together. Her life had made her fiercely independent and that was something they would both have to learn to work with. She was too young to have gone through all she had. As he continued to stroke her hair, he remembered that it was what made him first notice her. Her tan skin and pale golden hair. She was as beautiful as the palominos that she raised. Yes, that’s what she was; a spirited filly. Skittish yet curious having never been ridden properly or treated gently; fortunately he was one of the best at taming wild fillies without breaking their spirit.
Angel and Matt came quietly into the room from the kitchen. They had accidentally overheard the entire story but had gotten curious when it got quiet. Rick noticed the tears in Angel’s eyes before she spoke. “She never told me all that, Rick. I never knew other than the rumors here and there. I had guessed at part of it but oh my god she has had such a rough life. I wondered why she never talked about any of our family; now I guess I know.”
“It makes sense why she insisted on Angel knowing how to use a gun and knife too.” Matt added. “And why she was so determined to have a dog at the place.”
“Yeah, and now I know why she wouldn’t go to the sheriff.” Rick ground out. “Both of those men are going to pay. Even if I hadn’t already picked her to be my new wife, we don’t need scum like that here.”
“Has she agreed yet though?” Angel whispered. “She’s not going to like someone making plans for her without her input.”
“I know Angel.” Rick replied. “But she fell asleep before I could ask her again.”
Matt walked to the sofa with Angel and sat with her there for a moment before noticing that the fire was low. He got up and slowly added wood and watched it flare to life wondering how he would handle the situation if it were he and Angel rather than Rick and Kat. He turned and took his place next to Angel on the sofa and he and Rick began to discuss their options. His arm rested casually on Angel’s shoulders as if it belonged there.
“So, what’s your story?” Rick finally asked looking at the two of them. If his guess was accurate, there might be a joint wedding coming up. “You two are entirely too close to just be casual friends. When did all this happen?”
“To make it easy, let’s just say that Angel and I have known each other for more than a year.” Matt evaded.
“Do the two of you have any plans for the future?” Rick asked at risk of sounding like a parent. “You do know that people talk and there are reputations to preserve.”
“Whether or not we have plans is our business Rick.” Matt stated angrily. “What we need to worry about right now is the sheriff’s next move. From the sounds of things, he is not going to be pleasant to deal with.”
“Ah-hem” James cleared his throat as he knocked lightly on the front door. “Sorry to have overheard but if you want another one or two minds helping out with some input, Ms. Kat told us to come on up here after we got settled in the bunkhouse. Beings we’re family now, I’m thinking that Frank and I have every right to help protect Ms. Kat; especially since the men in question were our former employers. What can we do to help you out with that?”
With all the different voices, Kat sleepily raised her head off Rick’s shoulder and looked around at everyone in the room. “What’s going on? Did I miss the party?” She asked sheepishly.
Rick tightened his arm around her slightly. “Nope sweetie, we were just getting started. James and Frank just came up and Matt and Angel were in the kitchen making some more lemonade.”
A slight scratching noise came from the door and an instant later, Wolfe stuck his nose in followed by the rest of his large body. He padded lightly into the room, and lay down between Kat and Angel. “How protective is Wolfe of you two?”
“Well, I’d demonstrate for ya but I don’t think Wolfe would like you anymore.” Kat replied. “For the most part, I’m pretty sure he’d launch straight for your neck.”
“Belle is the same way Rick.” Angel added. “But more so with Kat. They seem to have some sort of bond but Wolfe looks out for both of us, that’s why Kat insisted we both work with him on his training.”
“I have been extremely impressed with what I’ve seen so far.” Rick stated. “The hand signals are amazing. How long did it take to teach him that?”
“Not real long” Kat answered. “This breed of dog is very intelligent and the hand signals go together with the verbal command. Before long, you could just give the motion and he would do it. It works great when we are working cattle; almost as good as the whistle.”
“From now on, I’d like to make sure you both have a dog with you. Granted, they can’t outrun a bullet but they can alert you to company and they seem like they will do whatever they can to protect you.” Rick said as a way of making a rule.
“For the most part, James and Frank will be here with you but Rick and I will take turns “visiting” too.” Matt added.
“I appreciate all you guys are trying to do.” Kat started. “But, we have our ranch to run and some sort of life to live. I don’t want to impose or inconvenience any of you. “James and Frank will be here and they can help us out a lot. “As for everything else; we haven’t had anyone out here before so I don’t see where we need to start now. Unless of course, you and Matt have something to tell me Angel.”
“Kaitlyn, I know how independent you are.” Rick said, preventing both Matt and Angel from answering. “I was going to go get Coal and bring him over here anyway in a few weeks to get started on those cows and heifers; there’s no reason why I couldn’t just stay in the bunkhouse and help out with moving the stock and getting your herd bred. That’s just plain being neighborly if nothing else.”
“Look Rick, like I told Matt; I really appreciate your help but you have your own ranch to take care of and your girls to spend time with. I don’t want to prevent that from happening. Really, Angel and I are capable of taking care of our own place. Plus, we have two more people to help us now. That’s a lot more than what we had when we started.” Kat argued. “Besides, you never let Angel or Matt answer my question….”
They looked guiltily towards each other and then back at Kat thinking before that they had a reprieve thanks to Rick. That however was not the case and the time had come to let Kat and Rick know what was going on.
“Well…” Matt started nervously. “We didn’t plan for everything to happen like this but we’re not sorry it has. We love each other and had wanted to tell you both about our wedding plans before all this with the cattle took place. We just hadn’t ironed out the rest of the details yet. Angel didn’t want to leave Kat here to try to take care of the ranch on her own and I wasn’t sure what direction we should go.”
“Plus, we are expecting a baby in about seven months.” Angel added looking worriedly at Kat. “This is not at all how we planned to tell you guys but everything has happened so fast that time just got away from us.”
“That’s not all that got away from you by the sounds of it.” Kat replied with a sigh. “I thought something was going on, I just haven’t had the time to think on it enough to figure it out. I can’t say that I’m ecstatic about it but if you’re happy, then I’m happy for both of you.”
“We both are.” Rick added coming up and slipping his arm around Kat’s waist. “Now that we know this, it’s even more important that we not leave you gals alone here. It’s getting late and we all need some sleep. If you don’t mind Kaitlyn, I think I’ll borrow a bunk in the bunkhouse for the night so we can discuss things further in the morning.” Rick yawned, dropped a chaste kiss on her forehead, and headed out the front door.
James and Frank, deciding that they could get by on hard tack and left over biscuits from their packs said their goodnights and exited through the kitchen. Matt and Angel used the opportunity to slip away down the hall to Angel’s room. Kat sat down heavily on the sofa, her mind churning over the information she had just learned.
The front door opened and Rick came back inside. Without saying a word, he sat down next to her and settled an arm over her shoulders as she leaned back. Cautiously, he pulled her towards him and used his other hand to tip her chin up slightly looking her in the eye.
“I love you Kaitlyn.” He stated. “Nothing that you told me changed that. Yes, I am madder than hell about what the sheriff, your own father, did and what he let George do. They are going to both pay dearly for hurting you; but none of this was your fault. While it might have developed you into who you are it doesn’t change the woman I love.”
“But Rick, didn’t you hear a word I told you?” She asked exasperatedly. “I’m used goods. I wouldn’t be coming to you a virgin. What kind of mother would I make to Ali and Morgan?”
You will be a wonderful mother to the girls. Ali loves you already and Morgan will too in time.” Rick answered patiently. “As far as your other comment, it doesn’t even deserve a response. Let me show you how little it means. Granted, I won’t be the man to take your virginity but I think I will still be the first man to teach you about making love. One good thing that comes of this; I won’t be the man to hurt you.”
With that, he pulled her more fully into his arms and kissed her deeply and possessively. He continued the hard kiss and only softened it once he felt her tentative response. As he felt her arms slowly, go up around his neck to settle on his wide shoulders, he began to massage her back and shoulders easing her little by little onto the soft bearskin rug on the floor.
Slowly, he moved his kiss from her mouth to her neck and upon hearing a small sigh of pleasure, allowed his hands to gently cup her full taut breasts. He continued to kiss her neck and mouth alternately as his hands caressed her breasts slowly working her shirt out of her pants and releasing the buttons from their holes. Surprisingly, opening her worn flannel shirt revealed a soft lacy camisole that showed just a slight peek of the top of her breasts. Wanting to see more but concerned about her possible reaction, Rick moved achingly slow, working his way down showering her with kisses then again to her neck nipping lightly here and there leaving love marks of possession before lowering his head and darting his tongue out to caress her now hard nipple though the fabric.
Taking her moan as permission to continue, he drew the nipple into his mouth sucking lightly at first then drawing more deeply on her breast. His hands busily molded and caressed while his fingers pinched just enough to cause the sharp pleasure-pain sensation that had her arching her back pressing her breasts more firmly into his mouth and hands. She tossed his hat to the side and threaded her fingers through his hair almost as if savoring the silkiness before tugging slightly to bring his mouth back to hers.
“God Rick,” she whispered. “I never knew it could feel so good. Is it always like this?”
“You haven’t even begun to experience the full extent of pleasure yet sweetheart we have only just begun; but no, it’s only this amazing when two people care for each other like I do for you.” He touched his lips to hers again not wanting the seduction to stop.
He kissed her even more deeply, slowly working his hand down her body, stopping for a brief moment again at her breasts before continuing down to rest lightly in her nest of curls buried under the snug denims she wore. His tongue parted her lips as his searching fingers parted the curls and slid slowly into her sweet dampness that had never been loved before. As the kiss continued deeper and deeper, his finger began to imitate his tongue sliding in and out. His thumb then moved over her sensitive hardened bud and began rubbing and lightly pinching it as she squirmed almost as if trying to escape.
Her wetness increased as he continued this sweet torture bringing her almost to the brink before stopping and moving back up to cup her breasts and take them alternately to his mouth. Releasing one, his hand slid back down her body and thumbed the button of her denims open as he bit down lightly on her nipple effectively taking her mind off her britches and back to the pleasure he offered. He then slowly worked them off her and before she realized what was happening, moved over her body stationing himself between her thighs to taste her sweet honey for the first time.
Kat tried to sit up in protest not sure she was enjoying this sort of play only to be met with a hand on her breast as his tongue invaded her most private place. As she opened her mouth to vocalize the protest, his fingers slipped inside to take turns with his tongue effectively turning the protest into a passionate moan to continue. She lay back heavily as his fingers slid in and out, his tongue licking and teeth nipping lightly at her clitoris.
Just when she decided she could not stand another moment of this, he nudged her legs further apart and fitted his body to hers sliding his rock hard shaft into her waiting sheath filling her totally. She moaned again unconsciously lifting her hips to meet him thrust for thrust amazed at the wonderful sensations he was causing. Increasing the tempo, he slammed harder and harder, deeper and deeper into her, understanding the need that she herself did not. Just as she was about to scream out her desire, his mouth covered hers thrusting one final time deep into her as they shuddered their release simultaneously. He rolled slightly to the side not wanting to crush her with his weight, still breathing hard from the passion she had roused in him.
Shyly, she rolled onto her side, her hands busily looking for some clothes to cover her now cooling body. Rick’s ha
nd slid around her waist pulling her up against his still warm, rock hard body. “Kaitlyn, sweet, don’t be shy or nervous. There’s nothing I haven’t seen of you now, and I plan on seeing it again.” He whispered in her ear nipping it playfully.
“But Rick…” She cried out. “I don’t want you to see me. I’m ugly and fat and you were distracting me so much that I didn’t think about all that earlier.”
“Kaitlyn, look at me.” He softly commanded rolling her back over to face him. “I love you, do you understand? And I’m going to make love to you again and again. I’m sorry it was over so quick but I love every part of you whether it’s plump or skinny, it’s part of you and makes you beautiful in my eyes. Besides, can you imagine two skinny people doing what we just did, comfortably?” He laughed lightly.
Kaitlyn sighed. “It still doesn’t mean I’m comfortable lying in the floor naked with someone as good looking as you are with the fire burning bright enough that you can see me.”